Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Adverse Possession and Greed

From our research, we are finding out that the majority of people are unaware of adverse possession, however there are those in the legal community and real estate profession who know this law intimately.

Interestingly, those who know about adverse possession also seem to be the ones who want to exploit legalized land theft for their own personal gain.

In Nevada, a former real estate agent, Eric Alpert, decided to use a claim of adverse possession to make money. Interestingly, he did it not to actually steal property, no - he used it as an attempt to claim ownership of homes that he would then rent out to unknowing victims.

The whole story of greed is here in the Las Vegas Review Journal:

Bottom line - there is a direct correlation between adverse possession and greed. Whether a greedy neighbor claims adverse possession to steal land that they never owned nor paid for, or its a former real estate agent using it to run a rental scam like Eric Alpert, the point is adverse possession promotes greed in ways that outweigh any benefit to society. It is time for adverse possession to end now!

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